Baking Giant Shit Banana Bread

20 minutes long.
A long, candid video of my Valentine's day activities!
I had a lot of fun this year and I started by holding in a big big shit for many many days! I was so desperate to shit that you see me running to grab the baking pan and set up my camera so I can capture all the action for you!
I shit a huge long log into the metal pan and the run to the toilet to take a piss since I don't want that in my batter! I also wipe and show you how messy my asshole is. I end up having to shit out a little bit more even after how big it was so I do then wipe my asshole and show you the messy dirty toilet paper again.
I then bring you over and chat while I mix up and stir my shit with eggs and banana to make a delicious bread for my fans to eat! Yum >:D The finished product out of the oven looks beautiful!
Most of this loaf has already sold before I can even post the video so I'll have to make more soon <3
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